Sunday Services
Our service of worship begins at 10:00am at Trinity, Cloughey and is followed by a service at Trinity, Greyabbey at 11:30am. RE:GEN meet prior to our worship service at 10:30am. Check The Week Ahead and Facebook pages for further information.
When you arrive at Trinity you will receive a warm welcome from our Welcome Team.
Our service begins with a time of all age worship led by our Praise Musicians. The praise each week is largely, but not exclusively, contemporary in style.

During the service our kids who are pre-school and primary school age move into the halls for their own age-appropriate teaching in either Crèche (Pre-school) or K4C (Kids for Christ; P1 – P7).
The second part of the service is largely devoted to teaching. We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and is our supreme rule of faith and life. The Bible should be read aloud and preached publicly so that we can be built up in our faith in God and made ready to face the challenges of everyday life.
The Bible contains “Good News” (Gospel). The story of Jesus Christ’s birth, life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension reveals how God saves us from an eternity separated from Him, to the assurance that we will be with Him forever.

Following the service, everyone’s invited to stay and chat over a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits in Solid Ground (Greyabbey), or Solid Rock (Cloughey).
Anyone needing prayer from our Prayer Ministry Team can receive this in privacy and confidence.